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  1. When choosing to exercise in a ‘class environment,’ please wear deodorant….please. We can smell you…

  2. Don’t overthink things–just let it go.

  3. When vacationing at and spending time near a big body of water such as a lake, river, or the ocean, probably best to bring cheap sunglasses rather than your nicest pair of shades…

  4. Try to take at least 1 hour a day for yourself whether its exercising, relaxing, taking a nap, getting lost in a book or your favorite TV show–step away from the cell phone & just take a little time for you…

  5. When your significant other offers to help you in the kitchen, always take them up on it…

  6. Don’t let fear drive your decision making.

  7. Stop every once in a while & notice the beauty around you that this world has to offer.

  8. Dry shampoo–best invention ever, especially for people with long, thick hair.

  9. Keep fresh flowers in your home…they brighten up any day!

  10. It’s never too late to tell someone you’re sorry…and never too late to accept forgiveness.

  11. Don’t litter.

  12. Take responsibility for your own actions.

  13. When life hands you lemons, grab the girls and make some lemonade mixed with vodka.

  14. Karma…

  15. If you’re in the service business of being a driver and transporting passengers–an Uber, Lyft, taxi, and so forth–please reconsider smoking in your car…for those of us that don’t smoke, it makes for an unpleasant ride.

  16. Always look for the silver lining in life…every painful or challenging moment has one…

  17. When saving money in certain areas of your life and deciding to splurge in a few others, I would highly recommend splurging a little more in the purchasing of Organic foods.

  18. Try to remember to always be kind…even when we want to lose it on people at times…you never know what someone else is going through…

  19. Ditch any negativity in your life as best you can…you’ll be so much happier.

  20. Pray.

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